Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Plants

I got two new additions to the garden a sweet basil, and hot pepper. Can't wait till the peppers start popping up. They are both still small plants but are doing well since I planted them in the garden yesterday. I don't really have any more room for other plants but I would really like a tomato plant as well.

My poppies are growing really well, as well as the rose. It has finally bloomed.

Well I'm in my second day of my third week of training. I ran 3 minutes straight this time, never thought I could do it. But later on I'll be running 5 minutes then 10 minutes intervals. Not looking forward to those at all.

1 comment:

Mytutorlist.com said...

Those poppies are great! It's funny that you mention wanting a tomato plant cuz I have one for you if you want it. My mum wants to make room in her vegetable patch and has one tomato plant to give away. It's your lucky day!

I also have some bean and pea seeds if you want them. They only take one week to sprout, which is pretty cool.