Monday, June 23, 2008

5th Week of running

Another long run on my part. This time I actually waited a day before doing my next run. I had to run for 8 mins continously. Boy am my quad killing me. Good thing though my runner are helping me a lot. So far no foot pain or ankles or shin pains. I hate those, they take longer to heal and make the running experience so much more agonizing. I'm definitely not looking forward to my next run which is tomorrow. I'll have to do 20 mins running. I have no idea how I'm going to do that considering just yesterday I could barely do 8 mins. Oh god help me.

2 comments: said...

Lol, poor girl. How are those new runners holding up? Did you decide to keep them?

Joanne Shin said...

I think they are good my arches don't hurt anymore. But I'm developing a blister. :(